Tag Archives: techtimejourney programs

Digital Clock released

Here is a clock application for Linux/Unix done with Python and QT5. You need to install python3 and python-pyqt5 or similar to use this program. The program is frameless and places itself in the middle of the screen.

Without further ado, some screenshots.

linux clock, linux digital clock, python clock

Digital Clock is done with Python and QT5 and styled with CSS.

Download Digital Clock as a zip.

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Metapad text-editor v.1.2 arrives

Metapad is a text-editor written with Python and QT5. It contains about 204 lines of heavily commented code. Metapad will be the default text-editor of the PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5(TBA).

#Metapad v.1.2 Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti <techtimejourney.net>This program comes with #ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see: #http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. This is free #software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991″). Continue reading

Volume widget is released

Volume widget is a program, which shows system volume levels. It needs pulseaudio, alsa-utils, python3 and python-pyqt5 as dependencies. Note that dependencies might be different depending on your distribution.

#Volume widget Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti <techtimejourney.net>
#Volume widget comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
#for details see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991″

Here are some screenshots

linux widget, linux volume, linux volume widget

When volume goes too high, there will be a warning.

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