Tag Archives: techtimejourney postx

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4 arrives (32-bit and 64-bit)

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4 has arrived as 32-bit and 64-bit releases. If you are using the older PostX 0.3 release I will recommend that you do a fresh install to 0.4. Changes made are quite considerable when it comes to optimizations and general stability. 32 bit image size is about:559 megabytes and 64 bit size is about: 545 megabytes.

This is also a transitional release, which means that in most scenarious the 0.4 release should survive migration to Debian Testing or even to Debian Sid base. PostX 0.4 repository along with sources and few extra programs will be uploaded within a few days. 0.4 repository will replace the older 0.3 repository. Continue reading