Tag Archives: techtimejourney news

News. PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4 release date and going responsive

It has been a more silent month than usual in Techtimejourney. I have taken some time off so that I could get a fresh perspective to what I really want to include into PostX 0.4. As it stands now: the release date of 0.4 should be November 20th. Currently, I am developing the next version of RunIT browser, which will be QT based and will eventually end up being cross-platform (meaning: will work on Windows too). I am still unsure if this new browser will make it to the PostX 0.4 release – but if it does not Firefox will then be the default on the system. I am now also completely rewriting Techtimejourney pages. Years ago, it all started with WordPress but as time passes upgrades become mandatory. Techtimejourney will become responsive and mobile friendly. The design changes are also a preparation for some new content, which will land on 2017. To get a sneak peak of the design overhaul go and check: Continue reading

Design announcements: Techtimejourney Galleries & small fixes to PostX Gnu/Linux page

I released a new page called Techtimejourney Galleries. The page replaces the old drop-down menu (was Gallery&Themes). Techtimejourney Galleries also brings many outlook and performance enhancements. Overall, the page is a considerably desired upgrade.

techtimejourney designs, JJ Posti designs

This was the second edition of the new outlook. The second edition did fix some mobile device scaling issues. This is only a reference now. The third edition of the page is up and running with more fixes and usability upgrades.

If for some reason you fail to see the results like above then check that you are running the current version of your browser. Techtimejourney Galleries also has links pointing to old Gallery root pages – in case you need them. On other news: I made small fixes to PostX Gnu/Linux page source and removed some minor issues like front-end misspelling. All in all, I hope you enjoy the new layouts.

Notice. 27th of September: The first version of the outlook created a bug which caused scaling issues – especially with mobile devices. I have now fixed those issues and the page should actually scale according to user’s device.

Notice2. 27th of September. The screenshot is now just a reference. As the evening arrives, the page has now developed to become more solid and it has received quite many graphical updates and layout fixes. I have also upgraded the PostX Gnu/Linux pages accordingly.