Tag Archives: techtimejourney news

Techtimejourney announcements

I upgraded Techtimejourney to HTTPS. So, all content should be more secure now. On other news: PostX Gnu/Linux will receive a package upgrade on the upcoming  Sunday. The upgrade will feature:

Latest RunIT Browser, which will fix some minor issues.

Runner-QT v.4: program runner with error handling.

 All the current PostX Gnu/Linux wallpapers -> wallpaper package upgrade.

Replacement of Sequence FM. The project itself continues. However, I decided to reboot Crosslinker FM. This means lot of new code and new features. Currently, the result looks somewhat  like this. Continue reading

PostX Gnu/Linux news

PostX Gnu/Linux v. 0.4.4 will arrive within few weeks. It will be still based upon DebIan Jessie. The upgrade will include all the current PostX Gnu/Linux programs. There will also be some new entries. Vlc will return as Veritas Player.  I wrote Vertitas Player to be a Gui for Vlc. Coding has been done with Python. So far, things look good and stable.  The Kernel will also receive an upgrade. I have compiled a 4.9.30 version with a better Wi-Fi and driver support. Currently I am testing the stability of everything. The repositories will likely receive upgrades by the end of this week.

And here is a screenshot of Vertias Player.

vlc guis, vlc gui, vlc media player gui

Veritas Player is a Gtk3 Gui that will require (at least) vlc-nox package. The design will remain lightweight.

Techtimejourney just got faster

I have updated the layout of Techtimejourney now. It is very lightweight compared to the older design. All images are now compressed, Javascript and CSS are both minified and database queries are now optimized. Techtimejourney is also using cache in productive and robust way. Being cached should not effect the browsing, apart from the speed increase. During this upgrade process I calculated that the increase in speed was roughly about 300%.  (Actually , close to 400% as of Nov.24th) Continue reading