Tag Archives: Sequnece FM

Sequence FM version 6.0 released

Sequence FM version 6.0 has been released.

The code is available on Sequence FM´s Github page.

Below, a list of changes is presented.

New very important keys:

  • Control (Ctrl), is now a key for selecting objects for copying/moving/deleting.
  • ESC is now a buffer cleaner: Control adds files to the buffer (to wait for actions); ESC clears this buffer.

New integrated features:

  • Delete key support
  • Delete multiple objects
  • Trash support added.(trash folder will be created inside user´s home directory)
  • Move multiple objects.
  • Copy multiple objects.
  • Statusbar added.
  • Permanent delete support added.

Notice that if you move, copy or trash a file that already has an identically named counterpart on the upcoming location, you will end up loosing the older object (present before your actions) from the upcoming location.

Removed features:

  • Direct terminal command support: This came out looking like a potential security issue. It was removed from the Gui but remains as a possibility within the code.