Tag Archives: postx programs

Runner-QT v.2 arrives

19th of May 2017: Runner-QT is upgraded to version 2. Dependencies remain the same. Interface is simplified and intuitive. There is also less code now  (about 46 lines).  Runner-QT v.2 should fit nicely to all kinds of desktops by default.


sudo apt-get install python-pyqt5 python python3

Run the program: python /home/some_person/some_folder/something.py

If needed make the program executable with:  chmod +x /home/some_person/some_folder/something.py Continue reading

PostX-programs: package upgraded

19th of May 2017: upgrade has happened. Go here for the new versions.

Quick Terminal 0.5.1 released(April 23 April)

This is a minor update, which changes  gir1.2-vte-2.91 or higher to a dependency (transition from gir1.2-vte-2.90).Quick Terminal code is changed accordingly. The changes made should provide forward compatibility for Quick Terminal. For full list of dependencies see below. 

Download Quick-Terminal_0.5.1 (as a zip)

Original entry from 18th of March:

Postx-programs package is now upgraded. Kernel will happen next week – since this time coding and tweaking took a lot more time than expected.

PostX-programs brings new versions for:

PostX-Calendar, which is now QT5.

Quick Terminal, which now has a cleaner interface. Also, some commands like copy and paste are now living within a right click menu.

Power-Manager is also now QT5 and it has some Openbox related and PostX Gnu/Linux related integration in it(lock screen=i3lock, quit desktop=openbox related etc.) Power-manager still uses only sudo. I will integrate su features in the next version.

Upgrade for PostX Gnu/Linux users (in  terminal): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

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RunIT-QT added to Python programs

Upgrade:RunIT-QT 0.5 has arrived.

RunIT-QT (PostX 0.4.1 default browser) is added to Python programs.

RunIT-Qt browser.

#RunIT-QT Browser Copyright (c) 2015 JJ Posti <techtimejourney.net>
#for details see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991
#This is the 0.4 version made with Python and QT5 “) Continue reading