Tag Archives: postx linux package update

Package update done

PostX Gnu/Linux package update is done. Changes in update(22th of October 2017)

* PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5 wallpaper set is now complete.(0.5.2).

desktopsets-dark (0.6) Audax; urgency=urgency

* RunIT Browser link(runit) updated to reflect pathway changes.
* .xbindkeysrc entry for runit updated to reflect pathway changes(see /etc/skel/.xbindkeysrc).
* .xbindkeysrc entry for file manager updated –> pointing to Crosslinker FM reboot.
* sfm link points to Crosslinker FM reboot version.
* Sequence FM is is still with the package. Its link is renamed to sfm_real(sfm_real command opens the real Sfm).
* Fixed link permission issues. The content should now be more protected.

postx-openbox-themes (0.5) Audax; urgency=low Continue reading