Tag Archives: postx 0.5

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5 has been released

PostX 0.5 has now been released. The size of the iso image is about 634 megabytes. This release is also SystemD free and uses SysVinit. Desktop is Openbox and display manager is Slim. This release is also using DebianĀ“s kernel rather than providing its own.

Disclaimer: You use PostX Gnu/Linux at your own responsibility. The author of techtimejourney.net (JJ Posti) or any other party is not responsible if any kind of damage or harm will occur . NO WARRANTY is given and the user therefore agrees to use this software at his/hers own risk.

postx gnu/linux, techtimejourney linux

PostX Gnu/Linux desktop on its most basic form – after startup, Download PostX Gnu/Linux by clicking this link.

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