Tag Archives: Linux nmap

Using nmap to scan network for devices

From time to time you might need to scan your network for router or device ip addresses. This can be easily done with nmap.

sudo apt-get install -nmap -y

Once you are done installing, you can run something like this:

nmap -sn

Replace 11.1.1 with the details of your actual ip. Keep the ending similar to 0/24 – you will want to scan the entire address range.

Nmap will now print something like this:

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-03-03 12:40 UTC
Nmap scan report for xxx (xxx.xxx.x.xxx)
Host is up (0.0035s latency).
Nmap scan report for something.localdomain (xxx.xxx.x.xxx)

Nmap done: xxx IP addresses (x hosts up) scanned in x.xx seconds

The output, similar to the above, should get you started on the road of discovering your devices. Note. Eventhough nmap is a poweful tool it will only tell you the address of your router/device where other devices on your network connect to. If you need more information you might use something like Wireshark. Currently, you would need to install Wireshark from source code – if you are using Linux.