Tag Archives: green tint2 panel

Dreamlight Tint2 (panel configuration)

As I am currently exploring the possibilities of JWM (Joe’s window manager: http://joewing.net/projects/jwm/) which is a lightweight and a robust desktop environment I found myself tweaking things once more while creating a new JWM theme configuration which I named as Dreamlight.

One particular change I made was the removal of the default panel of JWM while replacing it with the Tint2 panel, which is one of my personal favorites these days. If you are not familiar with the Tint2 you might want to take a look at one of my earlier posts:


Without further ado here is the Tint2 Dreamlight configuration: Tint2 Dreamlight

Here is how it will look:tint2screenshot

Dreamlight (GPL) will include the following parts in total

*The Tint2 Dreamlight configuration

*A Jwm theme

*A Firefox persona

*A wallpaper with green colors