Tag Archives: desktop wallpapers

February wallpaper set available in Creative Commons gallery

One of my recent works: February wallpaper set has been added to Creative Commons gallery page 6

The wallpaper set contains three artworks in total. You can also find the wallpaper set listed under Wallpaper series section

wallpapers, free wallpapers. desktop wallpaper, linux wallpapers

February wallpaper set contains 3 artworks in total.


PostX beta1 wallpapers are now available

While I am still working hard to write a new file manager for PostX 0.3 here are the PostX beta1 wallpapers in the mean time.

I uploaded two preview pictures to my GPL gallery: https://www.techtimejourney.net/gpl-art/2033-2/

The full 5 wallpapers set is available as a zip file under the Wallpaper series section below the title: PostX 0.3. beta1 wallpapers.

