Tag Archives: configuring tint2

Tint2 configurations: Boxed (remix)

Since I am back using Tint2 panel I did a remix, which is based on my older work available here. Modifications available in the below are minor but useful when having a wm like Openbox. Copy the configuration below to .config/tint2rc or point your tint2 to specific configuration file with tint2 -c configuration_file_name

The panel will look something like this:

Tint2 Boxed remix configuration. For transparency in Openbox (like seen within the screenshot) use xcompmgr (xcompmgr -c)

Tint2 Boxed remix configuration. For transparency in Openbox (like seen within the screenshot) use xcompmgr (xcompmgr -c)

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Light weight panels: Part I: Tint2

At some occasions a situation may arise where you desire something light weight, yet simple and good looking, alternative to Gnome panel or Kde panel which tend to be getting bigger and more resource demanding as time goes by. In this post a panel called Tint2 is presented with a config that makes it usable in everyday computer life. Continue reading