Tag Archives: annoucments

PostX 0.3. 64-bit and 32-bit versions released

I am proud to announce that PostX 0.3. is now available. Now, there are two versions available: 32-bit and 64-bit.


You can get both versions from the distribution’s Sourceforge page:


user under live-mode: audax

password under live-mode: live

If you wish to burn the iso to usb stick open terminal and execute the following command: ALERT: Make sure that /dev/sdb is your actual usb stick – since all data in it will be erased.

sudo dd bs=4M if=name_of_the_file.iso of=/dev/sdb && sync

Tip. Use Fat32 file-format and check you device name with gparted. Open terminal and type sudo gparted

Tip2. You can view all the available shortkeys by pressing Winkey+x


obrun dialog, openbox run dialog

You can start the installer under live mode by pressing F2 and writing the text appearing on this screenshot

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