Tag Archives: abstract wallpapers

Darktech series available now.

Back in 2013 I did a wallpaper, which I released onĀ  DeviantartĀ  and just about forgot it completely. I had intentions to add it to my Gallery but for some reason I just forgot about it. As luck would have it, I had a back injury about a week ago – and I had to take it easy for a while. I was then looking for a challenge to undertake and suddenly recalled the original Darktech wallpaper, which was just about everything I was looking for. Now, three years later I am proud the release Darktech series, which contains 3 wallpapers in total (The original wallpaper and two brand new).

Here is a screenshot preview about the set:

darktech wallpapers, wallpapers, wallpaper set

Darktech wallpaper set

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PostX beta1 wallpapers are now available

While I am still working hard to write a new file manager for PostX 0.3 here are the PostX beta1 wallpapers in the mean time.

I uploaded two preview pictures to my GPL gallery: https://www.techtimejourney.net/gpl-art/2033-2/

The full 5 wallpapers set is available as a zip file under the Wallpaper series section below the title: PostX 0.3. beta1 wallpapers.

