
Here is a simple video player, which will also be part of PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5.

linux video player. linux c++ video players

QPlayer is scheduled to replace Veritas player on PostX Gnu/Linux. Download QPlayer sources as a zip.

QPlayer on Github.


QPlayer is a C++ and QT5 video player for files.

Copyright (c) 2018 JJ Posti <techtimejourney.net>

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
GPL Version 2, June 1991″

Current features:

The player should be able to play all the files that are supported by QTMultimedia.

Buttons include: Open, Play, Pause, Stop. There is also a navigation slider.

Notice that this video player is only for playing files and it does not currently support playing cds or dvds.


Generally, you should be good to go when you install something like this:

sudo yum install qt5-qtmultimedia-devel qt5-qtbase-devel .

Also, be sure to install Qtcreator (qtcreator package) because you need to build the project with it.