PostX Gnu/Linux update arriving during the weekend

As you have noticed, PostX Gnu/Linux update has been delayed. This is because I realized that this will probably be the last major package upgrade before I start to build PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5. Given the previous, it is all but fitting that the upgrade got bigger and better.

Now the overall list includes:

Previously announced

Latest RunIT Browser, which will fix some minor issues.

Runner-QT v.4: program runner with error handling.

 All the current PostX Gnu/Linux wallpapers -> wallpaper package upgrade.

Replacement of Sequence FM. The project itself continues. However, I decided to reboot Crosslinker FM. This means lot of new code and new features. Currently, the result looks somewhat  like this.

New items

E221 Openbox theme.

Albix Player v.3.0

New version of Albix Player brings mp3 duration support, new outlook, a location slider and a list-item clean-up.