PostX 0.4.3 is released. If you need extra instructions then look at the older 0.4 series release notes, which still mostly apply.
PostX Gnu/Linux is built from free software. It uses Debian’s main repository together with my programs (Techtimejourney) repository as software sources. I have added contrib and non-free to sources list of the iso images just to make it more easier for the users to install what they might need.
New features / changes since 0.4.2:
– Software packages are upgraded and code has received some minor fixes. PostX 0.4.3 contains all the latest upgrades I have done to my software and it also contains the latest stable packages from Debian.
– Kernel is 4.9.24 with new configuration and more device support.
-Lightdm is placed as display manager. Startx still works. Openbox autostart for Lightdm lives in .config/openbox autostart.
-Error messages and tty2 freezing upon startup have been resolved. Boot works normally and without issues.
Sources list are pointing to finnish servers. You can change sources.list entry as a sudo using this command in terminal: sudo geany /etc/apt/sources.list.d/audax.list
Download PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4.3 from the release folder.
If you wish to burn the iso to usb stick open terminal and execute the following command: ALERT: Make sure that /dev/sdX is your actual usb stick – since all data in it will be erased. You can do sudo gparted in terminal to check out your actual usb device number.
sudo dd bs=4M if=name_of_the_file.iso of=/dev/sdX && sync
Tip. Use Fat32 file-format and check you device name with gparted. Open terminal and type sudo gparted
Quick start to live:
user name is: audax
password is: live
To start the installer: press F3, which opens Quick terminal. Type: sudo live-installer #Opens installer.
Notice. You might need to add edd=off to live media boot parameters with some SSD drives. Boot parameters appear when you press the tab key. Edd stands for Enhanced disk drive. If you want to load the live-media directly into Ram add toram as boot parameter.
Remember to do Network setup after installation (Network setup is in Quick Terminal)
Note that you will initially need some sort of wired connection after installation. You can install Wi-Fi drivers easily with a metapackage (sudo apt-get install driver). After drivers are installed then you should be good to run Wlan Setup tool (from Quick Terminal). For Youtube and Dailymotion you can use PostX’s HTML5 Player.
After network setup do sudo apt-get update in order to refresh software repositories. When sudo apt-get update is done, you will be able to install programs.