Saml authentication with SimpleSaml.php

I did some experiments with the SimpleSaml.php project to see how it functions.

From these experiments, I created a new repository fork:, which contains my own experiments build on top of a well-established Github project. I also made a custom basic theme for SimpleSaml, which is included on my Github source.

SimpleSaml with a custom basic theme.

Spin-FM 2.0 RC1 released

The Python file manager has reached its next version. RC1 brings:

Moving to Pyside2:

sudo apt install pyside2-*

  • Close tabs button added: This will always close the latest opened tab.
  • Copy, paste, move to functionalities improved.
  • More tabs added.
  • Green theme added.
  • Removing permanent delete, due to its risks
  • Please notice that on all file & folder actions, the addressbar object name tells what is being processed.
  • Back and forward store only the most recent locations.

When the content of the folder or location changes and does not seem to refresh, remember to refresh the tree via addressbar navigation. For example: Type /home and hit return/enter from the keyboard.

Do not paint your selections for copying, moving or deletion with a mouse: This will likely cause issues. Press CTRL and point and click through the objects.

After selected, right-click and choose a proper menu action.

For copying and moving: Select for copying or moving. For deletion: Delete objects.

After copying or moving selection, navigate to your target location and choose Copy to.. or Move to… from the right-click menu.

Full list of features and the program itself can be found from my Github:

Finally, here are some screenshots:

Getting external screen to work on Lenovo Ideapad 1 laptop (Debian based systems)

External screen might not work out of the box with Lenovo Ideapad 1 laptops.

The following steps were performed on PostX Gnu/Linux (based on Debian 11) to remedy the situation.

  • Remove nomodest entry from grub config file:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub

  • Reboot the system.
  • Install arandr to identify & setup the (external) display:

sudo apt install -y arandr

  • Save configuration to an sh file( here) and make it autostart. Openbox as an example:

nano .config/openbox/autostart

bash &
exec openbox

Multiple Python programs upgraded to next versions

Power-Manager QT is upgraded to support systemctl commands. It has “Are you sure” dialogs on every entry now.

Vol2x-Reloaded is upgraded. It gains awareness of system sound & microphone levels:

Albix (Pyqt5+Pygame music player). Is upgraded to next version: