Techtimejourney is back from hiatus and new version of Crosslinker FM released

Techtimejourney returns back to action after a hiatus. Here is a new version of Crosslinker FM. The code is a bit cleaner and the file-manager is now more short key focused than before. Verbosity has also been increased. The Outlook has gone through changes as well. As a result GUI is now cleaner.

The file-manager is available at my Github. Finally, here is a screenshot.

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 RC1(64-bit) is released

You will use PostX Gnu/Linux with your own responsibility. Always backup your important files before proceeding.

PostX 0.6 has been released. This release is built from Debian 10. This is the first Systemd release of PostX and it also uses EFI boot.

postx.postx gnu/linux techtimejourney linux
PostX 0.6 desktop

PostX 0.6 RC1 includes:

  • Firefox as web-browser.
  • Crosslinker FM as filemanager.
  • Quick Terminal as terminal.
  • Metapad as text-editor.
  • Base Player as music file player.
  • QPlayer as video file player.
  • PostX Calendar as calendar.
  • Slim as display manager
  • Openbox as desktop.
  • Tint2 as panel.
  • Calamares installer.

Download PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6. RC1 iso. (828M)

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Sequence FM 5.0 released


Sequence FM Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;

for details see:

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under

GPL Version 2, June 1991″)

Sequence FM 5.0 arrives. This filemanager is made with Python3 and QT5. It intends to be a simple and lightweight.

On Github:

Currently functioning features include:

  • Terminal command support in addressbar: You can, for example, type firefox and it will start after you press Enter and then press Control from your keyboard to execute.
  • General addressbar funtionalities: Showing current location and navigating to current location via addressbar.
  • Open file with application functionality.
  • Make a new text file functionality.
  • Make a new folder functionality.
  • Object renaming is supported.
  • Open archive, compress an object or extract an archive is supported via file-roller integration.
  • Right-click menu: Almost all the above functionalities have been placed inside the right-click menu of Sequence FM.
  • Preliminary shortkey support: Delete button of a keyboard will launch object deleting functionalities. Control button will execute terminal command from addressbar – after first validated with Enter keypress.

Error handling inside Sequence FM has been improved – to avoid accidental crashing-

To use Sequence FM you should have, at least, these installed (Debian base as an example):

sudo apt-get install python-pyqt5 python python3 file-roller

Default locations: You can place Sequence FM in any location. I recommend /usr/share/


If needed make python files executable: chmod +x

Run with: python

About delete, copy and moving functionalities.

I decided to keep this filemanager as unix like as possible. As I prefer terminal commands, I left out move,copy or removal commands. I believe those are best served via terminal client. See here for more: