Simple Terminal released

Simple Terminal is rxvt-unicode Pyqt5 terminal implementation with less than 20 lines of code.


Requires pyqt5 and python3 installed. Packages vary upon distributions.

Requires rxvt-unicode to be installed. Can also be named as urxvt depending on a distribution.

Functionalities include the standard rxvt-unicode functionalities. Customizations are done with Xresources file, which is supplied with the project.

For more information and download, see Simple Terminal Github project page.

Sequence FM version 6.0 released

Sequence FM version 6.0 has been released.

The code is available on Sequence FM´s Github page.

Below, a list of changes is presented.

New very important keys:

  • Control (Ctrl), is now a key for selecting objects for copying/moving/deleting.
  • ESC is now a buffer cleaner: Control adds files to the buffer (to wait for actions); ESC clears this buffer.

New integrated features:

  • Delete key support
  • Delete multiple objects
  • Trash support added.(trash folder will be created inside user´s home directory)
  • Move multiple objects.
  • Copy multiple objects.
  • Statusbar added.
  • Permanent delete support added.

Notice that if you move, copy or trash a file that already has an identically named counterpart on the upcoming location, you will end up loosing the older object (present before your actions) from the upcoming location.

Removed features:

  • Direct terminal command support: This came out looking like a potential security issue. It was removed from the Gui but remains as a possibility within the code.

PostX Gnu/Linux landing page moves to AWS and PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 packaging is about to begin

PostX Gnu/Linux page on Techtimejourney is now pointing to AWS. The new page was built with Python Flask framework and is more optimized than its ancestor, which can still be found here.

On other news, PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 packaging is about to begin. I hope to complete repository upgrades in a few days. After that it is all about compiling things together. I am still hopeful that PostX Gnu/Linux 0.6 will be done and released before the end of 2019.

Added notice. Also the About section has now been moved to AWS.The old About page is still available at:

Added notice 2: Programming projects page is also now served via AWS.

The old page is still available:here

Techtimejourney will still continue to serve content as https and on AWS side https is also a future plan to undertake during 2020.