October 22nd 2017 update:
Launchy-QT has a new outlook. Also some changes to links were made to reflect the current PostX Gnu/Linux development. Tip. To show tooltips, click an area of Launchy that does not have icons in it.
July the second 2017:
Here is a combined package, which has Launchy, an improved toggle script, clock program and a Media Launcher in it. These tools appeared all as parts of PostX 0.4.4.
Download Launchy package (as a zip)
Gnome-Terminal seems to use F4 . It is adviced that you place this entry to .xbindkeysrc instead – if you want to use the terminal in question.
#Launchy Toggle function
“bash /usr/share/launchy_toggle.sh”
Place this entry(or similar) to your autostart file(.xinitrc etc). The entry will make sure that Launchy starts as hidden and that the toggle between hide and show works.
touch $HOME/.toggle_launchy &
Place all the programs to /usr/share pathway.
The toggle script executes and ends both Launchy Panel and the clock upon a keypress. Procps is now a needed dependency, which means that the full list should be as below. On some distributions, you might need to adapt the dependency list.
python3 python-pyqt5 python-minimal procps python-gi
Older entry from May 22nd:
Here is the panel that I released with the latest postx-programs upgrade.
python3 python-pyqt5 python-minimal
The panel is heavily centered around my other programs but you can modify it according to your needs. Only the package manager points to a program that was not written by me. The program in question is the synaptic package manager.
#Launchy-QT v.1 Copyright (c) 2017 JJ Posti <techtimejourney.net>
#This is a Panell application.The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; #for details see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991 This is the QT5 version” )
Unlike the Gtk version of Launchy, the QT version does close with ALT+F4. You can start the program via terminal with: python /home/somewhere/launchy
If needed make Launchy executable with: chmod +x launchy
Tip. You can create shortkeys to make closing and opening of Launchy to happen more easily.
29th of May: Toggle script.
Put the following line to your .xbindkeysrc (or any other autostart file)
“bash /usr/share/launchy_toggle.sh”
Then download the Launchy toggle script and place it to the location above. You can customize the location to fit your needs. I recommend that you install x11-utils (sudo apt-get install x11-utils) just to make sure that everything works. You need to quit and launch your desktop again. After the previous Launchy-QT should now hide or appear when F4 key is pressed.