Installing from non-free and contrib repositories

When you want to install something that is not open source then you usually need to enable non-free and contrib repositories, or equivalent, in Debian based systems.

Note. In PostX Gnu/Linux 0.4.1 contrib and non-free repositories are automatically added to the binary by default. You can also install every driver+flash (that are mentioned within this post) easily by doing sudo apt-get install driver within a terminal.

First, you will need to modify your sources.list

sudo geany /etc/apt/sources.list #Debian default.


sudo geany /etc/apt/sources.list.d/audax.list #Alternative path for sources.list file. #PostX Gnu/Linux default

#Sources list example

deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free

deb jessie-updates main
deb-src jessie-updates main

deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free

#If you want you can also add contrib and non-free sections

#PostX current branch repository (only main section available)
deb audax main

Once you are done with sources list then save the file and do:

sudo apt-get update within a terminal client. Now, you should be all set to install stuff from non-free and contrib repositories.
Here are few things you might want to have:

#Wifi drivers and linux non-free firmware for some graphical drivers
sudo apt-get install firmware-atheros firmware-bnx2 firmware-bnx2x firmware-brcm80211 firmware-intelwimax firmware-ipw2x00 firmware-iwlwifi firmware-libertas firmware-linux  firmware-linux-nonfree  firmware-myricom  firmware-netxen  firmware-qlogic firmware-ralink firmware-realtek firmware-b43-installer

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Why you still need flashplugin in 2016 and 2017? (Concerns QtWebkit browsers like RunIT 0.3 and Gtk Webkit browsers)

It is no secret that flash is bad since it is unmaintained in Linux. However, it still works in places like Youtube. What is currently happening is this: Youtube has made changes and the old ways of displaying HTML5 video no longer appear to work. Neither Webkit or QtWebkit are able to produce image and sound from Youtube correctly. Sure, there is (or was) pepperflash, but then again it appears to be in a non-working state. To make matters even more complex: Qtwebkit is being replaced by QtWebengine. QtWebengine is  supposed to be better but there is a problem: it depends upon 3rd party plugins and stuff that come from Chromium. The previous makes packaging hard for distributions like Debian – since there is lot of stuff that should not be there by default. All having said, it remains unfortunate that the actual flashplugin-nonfree is still needed. While flashplugin-nonfree does work it can cause occasional crashes when using Youtube and other resources So, if you want to use Youtube and browse the web then open up two instances of QtWebkit browser to avoid any issues.

Looking past Debian Jessie base:

When the new Debian Stretch is done (or it gets stable enough during the freeze). I will upgrade PostX Gnu/Linux into it. This means two things. First, new libariries and programs are there – and provide a possible way to remedy HMTL5 playback issues. Second, if everything else fails I should be able to build and package QWebEngine to PostX Gnu/Linux and upgrade the browser framework to support recent HTML5.