When doing admin tasks there will come a time that you will need to search something via command line. Here is how you do it.
#Install tree
You could also use locate or find commands but at least for me, tree command works a lot better. Tree command will display files and folders in a nicely structured view. We can then easily grep from tree´s output and find our files or folders.
#Let’s install it.
sudo apt-get install tree -y
#And finally let’s say I want to remind myself where the Launchy panel is located in PostX Gnu/Linux.Command is listed below. Notice that / is the path where I search from.
tree -f / | grep launchy
The output will be:
│ │ │ ├── /usr/local/bin/launchy
│ ├── /usr/share/launchy
│ ├── /usr/share/launchy_toggle.sh
This tells me that the file I am trying to locate is /usr/share/launchy.