Digital Clock v.3 (C++)

Here is Digital clock version 3. This project is now translated into C++. digital clock, linux clock, clock for linux

Download Digital_clock version 3 as a zip.(This version centers the “:” which is wrongly placed on the screenshot).


On GitHub.

In the future the C++ version is scheduled to replace the Python version in PostX Gnu/Linux.

#Digital Clock v.3 Copyright (c) 2018 JJ Posti <>
#Digital Clock comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
#for details see:
#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991

I have compiled the program and the executable can be found from the zip archive.However, you may need to install QtCreator and compile it yourself. If the previous is the case visit: Instructions for building a project. for further instructions.