Here are the detailed core package changes of PostX-Audax Gnu/Linux 0.2.5.
audax-installer (0.1.5) Audax; urgency=urgency
* Mint icons are replaced by empty placeholders.
* Installer now points to Audax entries.
audax-installer ( Audax; urgency=urgency
* Distribution name changed to PostXGnu/Linux.
audax-fluxbox-themes (0.2.1) Audax; urgency=low
* Fixed a very small color issue within Epitaph theme’s stick buttons.
Audax-programs (0.8.3) Audax; urgency=urgency
* Created Power manager gui for common tasks (shutdown, reboot etc.).
* Netset program added to Sysmanager2.
* Wallselector is now also placed under Power manager.
* Sysman2 is now a launcher for all the Audax applications that ,mostly, require admin password.
* Purge and recreate the network file lines added to wlansetup. (Fixes the duplicate lines issue within network file).
* Sound selector should now work with Bluetooth sound devices.
* Examples folder added to /usr/share
Audax-programs (0.8.4.) Audax; urgency=urgency
* Fixed netset functionality.
* Added gksudo lines to sysman2 to fix and ease functionality.
* Netset and Wlanset are gksudo scripts by default now.
* Terminator is now the used shell in audax-programs.
* Wallselector moved to sysman2
* halt command changed to poweroff
audax-wallpapers (0.6.2) Audax; urgency=low
* Removed shortkey instructions from wallpapers.
* Changed clean_green wallpaper to blue variant.
* “Divided” wallpaper colors are now darker.
* Wallpapers are once again back to /usr/share/audax-wallpapers .
* Brought releases together with 0.6.2: now every previously released Audax wallpaper should be included (either as a bit modified or original version).
audax-wallpapers ( Audax; urgency=low
* Audax name changed to PostX Gnu/Linux. Logo wallpaper replaced with a generic one. Audax is now a codename pointing to Linux base (currently Debian).
* Package name changed to wallpapers.
Note1. Now when you do sudo apt-get install wallpapers you will get all the latest PostX wallpapers. The package should also automatically update from audax.wallpapers without any issues.
Note2: The wallpapers package is a transitional package and while it does not contain bluewalls-audax version of the wallpaper PostX 0.2.5 still has the audax wallpaper version shipped also. This is because the audax labeled wallpaper was migrated from the older version of audax-wallpapers package.
base-files (10.8.1) Audax; urgency=low
* Updated motd (message of the day) file
* Added prevention for systemd packages installation (/etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd)
base-files (10.8.2-1) Audax; urgency=low
* Removed prevention for systemd packages installation (/etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd), currently it breaks live-build
base-files (10.8.3) Audax; urgency=low
* Distribution name changed to PostX. -audax will remain as a package/Debian base identifier – so that functionality does not break.
desktopsets (0.28) Audax; urgency=urgency
* Audax packaged versions of Pcmanfm and Xfbrun added to menus/distribution.
* Pcmanfm replaces Emelfm2 as default filemanager.
* Clean_blue becomes default wallpaper.
* Default outlook of the system uses dark colors.
* Remapped system keys to use Winkey launcher, so that they do not overlap with any used programs.
* A default gtk2 theme is now provided by gtk2-engines-nodoka (was murrine-themes).
* Fixed the duplicate network settings issue, which appeared on live cd mode.
* Removed automatic network calibration for wired interfaces and created Netset program to do that instead (included within audax-programs package).
* Fixed Firefox based browser colors when using dark Gtk2 themes.
* Vlc now works with play/pause, next and previous keyboard shortkeys.
* Evince (Audax build) replaces xpdf as a default pdf reader.
* Set Chromium as a default browser with privacy oriented settings – similar to Firefox.
* To make things easier contrib repository is added. Contrib holds Pepper-flash (Flashplayer for Chrome/Chromium) package. The package was cloned from from Debian’s contrib repository and repackaged to include -audax suffix.
* Automatic screen blanking is now disabled by default via .xinitrc .
* Pcmanfm tweaked to use gksudo instead of gksu when entering to a root mode.
* Shortkey information pop-up added to desktop startup.
* Synapse replaces Catfish as a search applet.
desktopsets (0.28.1) Audax; urgency=urgency
* Mapping startpage search correctly with Chromium.
* Updated .xinitrc
* Fixed malformed audax repository naming.