Category Archives: Youtube video

Power-Manager 3 (QT4) released and a new Youtube video available

The latest addition to my programming portfolio: Power-Manager 3 is now here. Power-Manager 3 is a re-designed version of the older Power-Manager, which was originally put together with Zenity and Bash.

Power-Manager 3 does the same things as its older ancestor. As always, the screenshot speaks for itself:

linux screenshots, JJ Posti programs, linux applications

Power-Manager 3 with QT4

You will need python and python-qt4 in order to run this program. Remember to make it executable with chmod +x

Run the program with python

Remember to execute the above commands within a terminal client. You can also make a symbolic link – to achieve an easier startup.(For example, sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/power)

Download Power-manager from here: Power-Manager v.3.0.1

Old Versions: Power-Manager

Enjoy and while I continue coding you can also go ahead and take a look at my latest Youtube video, which is about apt-get usage on Debian and its deriatives.

Added Note 4th  of August:

The program uses sudo. If you use the traditional root account instead then replace the program code’s  gksudo lines with gksu . Of course, make sure that you actually have gksudo or gksu installed on your system before using the program.