Category Archives: system fixes

Fixing resolution issues on Debian 11: New Nvidia cards

After install, resolution might be off. Xrandr might so something like this:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024×768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1024×768 76.00*

Step 1: Grub resolution is wrong (optional)

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Adding more sources to PostX Gnu/Linux

All of the below should be done as root / sudo su . Caution is advised when operating as root or sudo su. Accidental and careless usage might be dangerous to system stability. Proceed with your own responsibility.

On a latest release of PostX Gnu/Linux contrib and non-free sources entries were accidentally left out. This will be fixed on later upcoming releases. For now you can add the following entries to sources list files:

deb bullseye contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye contrib non-free

deb bullseye-updates contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye-updates contrib non-free

deb bullseye-security contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye-security contrib non-free

Adding entries can be done manually by adding them into /etc/apt/sources.list. Alternatively, they can be added to file of your choosing under /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory structure.

For example you can make a file called with the sources list content, as seen above, and make it executable with chmod +x .

Finally, you can execute the as follows: cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra.list .

This will create a new file called extra.list under /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder. To apply changes to system, you still need to execute apt-get update. After this you are all done and new sources should be ready for usage.

PyQt5 issue with GLX and EGL

During PostX Gnu/Linux RC2, I hit the following issue with RunIT-QT Browser.

QOpenGLWidget: Failed to create context
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
QOpenGLWidget: Failed to create context
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
QOpenGLWidget: Failed to create context
composeAndFlush: makeCurrent() failed Continue reading

Post updated. Small fonts and window frames: a problem of lightweight window managers

Original entry from 6th of March

Usually things go fine. You have your Openbox, Fluxbox, PekWM or Awesome  etc.  window manager running and everything scales up nicely. Sometimes you end up into a situation where you are not that lucky: window frames are too small and the desktop font is just too tiny – and you cannot even read the text properly.

Luckily, the previous issues are easy to fix. Usually, the root cause of them is that you have a big display and your window manager does not know how to size things correctly by itself. Another reason might be that you have changed your wires. For example, I replaced a broken old HDMI wire with a newer one and the issues appeared. You should edit your .Xresources file to apply changes to Gtk and QT programs alike. If you are only using GTK apps it might be a bit easier to change your DPI value via .Xdefaults file. Continue reading