Category Archives: RunIt browser

RunIT-QT Browser 0.7 released

RunIT Browser (QWebEngine version) has reached its 0.7 version.

Notable improvements/changes:

  • Youtube and Netflix confirmed working on almost complete full screen mode.
  • Homepage is now pointing to StartPage search engine.
  • Window is resized to be larger and more useful from the beginning.
  • Addressbar improvements: AND AND will resolve. -> https is auto appended into the front.
  • More verbosity added to statusbar(notices go back, go forward etc. functions on tabs).
  • UI is styled to be darker than before.
  • Tabs now have titles in them.
  • Back, forward etc. Now upgrade urlbar address like they should.
  • Ecosia replaces Wolfram Alpha on search engines.

Source code and more details are available at the Github:

RunIT Browser advances to version 0.7 RC1

New version of RunIT Browser(Python+QT5) has been released.

I added the following functionalities to this release:

  • Numbered tabs.
  • Statusbar that shows what was last loaded and on what tab.

This release also fixes some minor stability and functionality issues.

Here is a screenshot.

0.7 RC1.

The code and further instructions can be found from the project´s GitHub page

RunIT Browser upgrades to version 0.7

RunIT Browser (QT-version) has received an upgrade. The browser now uses QWebEngine in providing the browser experience. 0.7 version adds tabs support for the browser.Since the transition is hardly ever a smooth thing to do, Open in a New Window and Web Inspector are currently dropped as features. In the future, I seek to bring these features back. The overall functionality is improved and the browser is acting a lot more stable than it previously did. Without further ado, here is a screenshot


Something like below, should be enough.

python-pyqt5.qtwebengine python-pyqt5 ca-certificates

linux web browser, pyqt5 web browsers, web browsers python

RunIT browser 0.7 comes with a new refined outlook. Double-click on the empty area to open up a new tab.

Download RunIT Browser 0.7

After downloading remember to make the files executable with chmod +x some_file

Run the browser: python 

RunIT QT on Github.