Category Archives: qt5

Metapad text-editor upgrades to version 2.0

Metapad is the next component of the upcoming PostX Gnu/Linux release (TBA) to get upgrades.


  • Line Numbers: Clearly visualized line numbers next to your text.
  • Toolbar: A toolbar for quick actions such as undo, redo, save, open, print, and font selection.
  • Styling: Custom styling for the editor and the application, done via CSS styling. Icons are from Adwaita icons theme. Without icons a button with a text will be shown.
  • Font Change: Quickly change the font of the selected text.
  • Open/Save Dialog: Intuitive dialogs for opening and saving your files.
  • Printing: A print preview and printing capability.
  • Protection: Before closing or opening new files, a warning is given if there are unsaved changes.

The code is available on Github:

Sequence FM 7.0 RC3 released

Sequence FM 7.0 RC3 has been released.

7.0 RC3 fixes and changes from RC2:

  • Copy and move made from right-click menu: Select entry or select entries by holding CTRL and clicking. Now, choose: “Select for copying or moving” from the right-click menu. Next, go to your location of choice and press either: “Copy to…” or “Move to…”

Copy and move functions read the location from addressbar to complete their actions.

  • Verification dialogs to “Copy to…” and “Move to…” : No final action should be performed without user’s acceptance.

Notice. If user cancels from any of the above dialogs then “Select for copying or moving” action needs to be redone.

Original entry from 11th of April:

7.0 RC2 fixes and new features:

  • CSS theme support.
  • 4 themes added -> set your theme with
  • Dual panel mode is now default.
  • Listview added as shortcut place.
  • File/object descriptors added.
  • Multi-selection by holding CTRL and clicking objects is now possible.
  • File-roller integration removed as an effort to reduce external dependencies -> Open external program functionality added as a replacement.
  • Object buffer of previous releases removed and replaced with native Pyqt5 dialogs.

The new default outlook is as below:

Additonal themes along with the source code is available at: