Category Archives: python

Python with decoupled variables

Sometimes a need to get variables into your Python code, without hard-coding them into the program itself will arise.

Here is how it can handled.

    sudo apt install python3-decouple -y

Add this into your py program’s import lines:

from decouple import config

Next, you need to create .env file and insert variables into it.

touch .env

nano .env


Then in your code, you would refer to your variable like this:


Multiple Python programs upgraded to next versions

Power-Manager QT is upgraded to support systemctl commands. It has “Are you sure” dialogs on every entry now.

Vol2x-Reloaded is upgraded. It gains awareness of system sound & microphone levels:

Albix (Pyqt5+Pygame music player). Is upgraded to next version:

Fixing error on Debian 11: No module named py_compile

The root cause of an error is: /usr/bin/python3.9: No module named py_compile.

This will prevent python3 packages from installing as the dpkg errors out during configuration.

A more complete error example, will look something like this:

Setting up python3.9-minimal (3.9.2-1) …
/usr/bin/python3.9: can’t open file ‘/usr/lib/python3.9/’: [Errno
2] No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing package python3.9-minimal (–configure):
installed python3.9-minimal package post-installation script subprocess return
ed error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

/usr/bin/python3.9: No module named py_compile

Regardless of the package name, missing the py_compile will give plenty of issues. Here comes an easy fix.

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