PostX Gnu/Linux 0.8 has been released. The distribution is based on Debian 11 and is amd64.
Disclaimer: You use PostX Gnu/Linux at your own responsibility. The author of (JJ Posti) or any other party is not responsible if any kind of damage or harm will occur . NO WARRANTY is given and the user therefore agrees to use this software at his/hers own risk.
AMD status on Debian 11: Things got a lot better with AMD graphics cards on Debian 11. However, some issues still persist with newer cards when booting into a freshly installed system. For example, the dm (Lightdm) might not show up or things might not function at all on xserver. If you are in any doubt when it comes to your graphics card´s functionality, use something like Virtualbox with extension packages to experience the system.
I have decided to delay PostX Gnu/Linux release to be at the end of December. It´s better to tune the features to their peak rather than do a too early release. The previous having said, there is a new filemanager coming soon. This will likely be the default on the upcoming distribution release. Here is a development screenshot.
Still in development quality code of Spin FM will be released during the next weekend.