Category Archives: Packaging howtos

Creating a fake debian package with checkinstall and the force-overwrite command

Definition: What is checkinstall?

Checkinstall is a tool which creates so called uncomplicated Debian packages. These are not real Debian packages as they will hold no information of the actual dependencies needed by a program which is being build as a package. So in other words: Checkinstall  packages are the ones which cannot (or more correctly: should not) be distributed as they will most likely not work outside of the host system. Continue reading

How to compile Openmeetings: an audio and video conferensing program for Linux (Part 3)

Part1 of the guide:

Part2 of the guide:

We will start the third part of this guide by building a web server with XAMPP.

From XAMPP home page: XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. (

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How to compile Openmeetings: an audio and video conferensing program for Linux (Part I)

Disclaimer: Remember that everything in this post is provided purely on educational purposes. If any harm should come to your system the author of this blog withdraws from any responsibility.

Openmeetings home page:

Openmeetings is an audio and video conferensing program for Linux which provides a free alternative for similar software provided by Adobe and others. Openmeetings home page says that: “Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.”

In this entry we will do the following steps to get the essential Openmeetings parts:

1  Compile Yasm modular assembler  from git. Yasm is needed by X264
2. Compile x264 from git.X264 is an advanced encoding library for creating H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) video streams.
3. Compile VP8 from git. VP8 is a video codec.

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How to build a Debian package? A case example with Midori 0.50

In this tutorial I will be showing how to build a basic Debian package from source code.  For the example I chose Midori 0.50 which is the latest release of small and fast web-browser branch.

Midori is a good choice if you run hardware which does not get along very well with high system and resource demands or if you just want a fast web browser which does it’s job well. Continue reading