Category Archives: Github

Simple Terminal released

Simple Terminal is rxvt-unicode Pyqt5 terminal implementation with less than 20 lines of code.


Requires pyqt5 and python3 installed. Packages vary upon distributions.

Requires rxvt-unicode to be installed. Can also be named as urxvt depending on a distribution.

Functionalities include the standard rxvt-unicode functionalities. Customizations are done with Xresources file, which is supplied with the project.

For more information and download, see Simple Terminal Github project page.

QCalculator is released (updated 26th of May 2018)

Here is a calculator done with Python and QT5. This calculator will become PostX Gnu/Linux default and replace the current Java based one.

#QCalculator Copyright (c) 2018 JJ Posti <>
#QCalculator comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
#for details see:
#This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
#GPL Version 2, June 1991

Dependencies: python-pyqt5

Here is a screenshot + Download

python calculator, qt5 calculator, linux calculator

QCalculator is lightweight but stylish calculator for basic needs. There is also a built-in error handling, which should remedy common issue situations.

v1: Download QCalculator as a zip.

v2: Download QCalculator as a zip.

v2: Centers text and fixes some really minor issues.