Category Archives: Freebsd

BSDs and Linuxes: a matter of taste (and hardware)

Imagine this: You have a new computer. You are considering a Linux operation system as your main os. Then again, you have also heard that BSD distributions are viable as well. Here are the five things you should consider when you are making your os choice. Note that this is a checklist that I would use. Depending on your needs there might be something else worth considering.

1. How much time do you have?

You might be a seasoned veteran with BSDs and many Linuxes. Then again if you are not, then you should really make sure that you have enough time in your hands to learn the tricks of a new operation system. Learning BSDs or Linuxes can be hard or easy. It really depends on what your goals are. If you take something along the lines of Debian or Fedora then it is a lot less time consuming than  installing the Gentoo Linux. Likewise, Freebsd setup and install can be easy and fast if you go and choose the binary route. However, if you build everything from source with ports then it will obviously be more time consuming. Continue reading

Freebsd /etc/make.conf example

When you are using Freebsd and you are compiling packages from source (using ports collection) then one of the most important things is the /etc/make.conf file. The make.conf file tells your system how it should build things. You can of course build ports using an empty make.conf file but if you do so you will not get the advantages that might come with customizing things a bit further. Continue reading

Experiencing Freebsd 10: tips and tricks for basic maintenance

Having recently tested Freebsd 10 here are some tips for new users to help them on their way.

When you install Freebsd and you are creating a new user you might want to include the user to extra groups wheel and network .

Wheel gives your regular user rights to go into super user mode via terminal by executing su – and network gives your user rights to use network devices etc.

You can of course always log in as a root user and perform administration task there as well, choice is yours. Continue reading