Crosslinker FM v.5 has arrived. Start by reading the info sheet and then proceed to the Install instructions. The info sheet contains important information, so it is recommended that you read it before installation and usage.
Here is the latest Crosslinker FM release. Version 4 brings new outlook, which now comes partly because CSS integration. There has also been many bug fixes and code cleanups. Version 3 was a development release, which never got released – so that is why Crosslinker skipped a number. Below, are the list of changes version 4 brings.
CSS integration and style added.
Layout is redesigned.
Open file button now uses xdg-open and opens file formats with system’s defaults.
Button hinting made clearer on folder to zip button.
Crosslinker is now independent. It does not require Simple-mount or anything from my other projects.
Toggle view added. See screenshot 3. Note that toggle view assumes you are using sudo. If you use root instead change gksudo entries from #POWER MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS to gksu
Screenshot 2: Crosslinker v. 4 brings many layout changes and cleans up the code as well.
Screenshot3: Toggle view is added to Crosslinker FM.
If you wish to burn the iso to usb stick open terminal and execute the following command: ALERT: Make sure that /dev/sdb is your actual usb stick – since all data in it will be erased.