Category Archives: Announcements

Programs upgrade

The following programs have now been upgraded:

Crosslinker FM Reboot version: New outlook,

Digital clock: PostX 0.5 RC outlook version is now available.

HTML5-Gtk-Player bug fix release.

Metapad to v.1.2 fixing file saving issues.

RunIT Browser to v.0.6.3: Startpage becomes default search engine, Privatelee removed.

Vol2X-Reloaded: minor bug-fix release.

Volume Widget: minor bug-fix release.

XRunner to v.2: Outlook is tweaked and program becomes faster.

All projects are also in my Github.

PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5 RC will receive these upgrades soon.

PostX Gnu/Linux moves to Fedora

The time has come to leave Debian as a distribution base. My choice is Fedora for the following reasons:

– RPMs are clean and provide a nice structure.
– Latest tools and versions, which is important when coding.
– Systemd that actually works without any weird issues.
– Good package selection and very good driver support.
– Clear standing on free software, which I find to be very good.
– Dependencies are managed better and more robustly in the RPM world. Continue reading

Package update done

PostX Gnu/Linux package update is done. Changes in update(22th of October 2017)

* PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5 wallpaper set is now complete.(0.5.2).

desktopsets-dark (0.6) Audax; urgency=urgency

* RunIT Browser link(runit) updated to reflect pathway changes.
* .xbindkeysrc entry for runit updated to reflect pathway changes(see /etc/skel/.xbindkeysrc).
* .xbindkeysrc entry for file manager updated –> pointing to Crosslinker FM reboot.
* sfm link points to Crosslinker FM reboot version.
* Sequence FM is is still with the package. Its link is renamed to sfm_real(sfm_real command opens the real Sfm).
* Fixed link permission issues. The content should now be more protected.

postx-openbox-themes (0.5) Audax; urgency=low Continue reading

PostX Gnu/Linux update arriving during the weekend

As you have noticed, PostX Gnu/Linux update has been delayed. This is because I realized that this will probably be the last major package upgrade before I start to build PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5. Given the previous, it is all but fitting that the upgrade got bigger and better.

Now the overall list includes: Continue reading