The time has come to leave Debian as a distribution base. My choice is Fedora for the following reasons:
– RPMs are clean and provide a nice structure.
– Latest tools and versions, which is important when coding.
– Systemd that actually works without any weird issues.
– Good package selection and very good driver support.
– Clear standing on free software, which I find to be very good.
– Dependencies are managed better and more robustly in the RPM world.
So, PostX Gnu/Linux 0.5 will be released as a Fedora based. This means that
the release date will be pushed to the beginning months of 2018. The big change
that will also occur is that, thanks to better coding tools, the programs of PostX Gnu/Linux
will be more faster and optimized. For example, At the moment, I am translating Albix Player to C++ and bringing some speed + functionality improvements into it. In other words, future looks bright for PostX Gnu/Linux in Fedora base.
You can expect a beta release of PostX Gnu/Linux to arrive as a 64-bit iso at the end of January 2018.